Ready For Baptism
What's Your Next Step?
You’ve made the decision to surrender your life to christ, now what? You probably still have questions about your decision. You may even have doubts. That’s okay! Don’t let those questions or doubts stop you from moving forward. Doubt your doubts and feed your faith and get answers to your questions below!

Outward Expression, Inward Decision
Simply put, baptism is an outward display and celebration of your inward decision to trust Christ with your life. It’s an act of obedience, a step of acknowledgement that is representative of the fact that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and walked out of the grave alive so that each of us can have eternal life. When you step into the water, you are letting the world know that you have walked into a new life of faith in Jesus Christ and that you are committing to follow Him down a new path. If you’ve made the decision to follow Jesus, baptism is the next step in your spiritual journey.
Was Jesus Baptized?
Jesus is our example in every area of life, including believer’s baptism. Jesus had to walk about 27 miles just to be baptized in the Jordan River. To set an example for us, Jesus was baptized – by immersion – to publically identify with God’s kingdom and humanity.
What the Bible Says:
How should I be baptized?
“Baptism” comes from the Greek word baptizo, which means “to immerse.” Like Jesus, we should be baptized by immersion. That means going into the water, being immersed under the water, and coming back out of the water. It’s that simple!
What the Bible Says:
What does believer’s baptism mean?
Baptism is an identification event. Going under the water symbolizes the death of Christ. Coming up out of the water represents the resurrection of Christ. When we go under the water, it’s symbolic of the fact that we have died to ourselves and self-centered living. When we come back out of the water we are symbolizing our new life in Christ! We choose to participate in Believer’s baptism after we make a personal decision to receive Christ.
What the Bible Says:
Why is believer’s baptism so important?
Believer’s baptism is commanded in Scripture. Also, it identifies Christ-followers with Jesus.
What the Bible Says:
What if I’m a private person and feel embarrassed to be biblically baptized?
Going public with our faith by being baptized is the first step of obedience after accepting Jesus as our Savior. It is a public expression of an inward connection. Don’t be ashamed to stand for your Savior!
What the Bible Says:
Does the water wash away my sin?
Absolutely not! Only Christ’s sacrifice on the cross and His resurrection cleanses sin. Baptism is a celebration of our acceptance of that fact.
What the Bible Says:
What if I was baptized as an infant?
Believers baptism is reserved for those who are old enough to make their own faith decision to become a Christ-follower, and it always comes after one’s faith decision. Being biblically baptized, like Jesus was, in many ways confirms the dreams of those who had you baptized as an infant!
What the Bible Says:
When should I be baptized?
As soon as possible after choosing to become a follower of Jesus. Why not today?
What the Bible Says:
What should I wear when I'm baptized?
We are happy to provide you with a dark shirt and shorts. But, women may choose to bring their own dark shorts and top to be worn over a swimsuit. Men may choose to wear a t-shirt and shorts or swimsuit. You may bring a change of clothes and we will provide towels.
Can my family and friends be baptized together?
Yes! If each person understands fully the meaning of baptism, and each one has personally placed his/her trust in Christ for salvation, we encourage families to be baptized at the same time. It is a wonderful expression of commitment. However, it is important to remember that baptism is a personal statement of faith, not a family or group tradition. It is usually not wise to delay your baptism while waiting on others to join you. This puts an undue pressure on them and delays your obedience.
Do you baptize children?
A child may participate in Believer’s Baptism if they are at least 6 years old, have completed Kid Faith and have made a personal decision to receive Christ. We also have an opportunity for parents to dedicate their children at our Parent Child Dedication.
Next Steps Booklet
Download the digital version of our Next Step Booklet written by Pastor Ed Young.
Want To Get Baptized?
Sign up or let us know you’re interested in getting baptized at one of our many Fellowship Church locations.