Daily Devotional
You Got to Choose
October 12, 2023
Joshua 24:15 “But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.”
Many years ago, a newspaper featured a story about a man entangled in a complicated web of lies. He had simultaneously married three different women in three different states, justifying his actions by claiming he couldn't bear to hurt any of them. His profession as a traveling salesman allowed him to maintain this charade, avoiding the difficult choice he should have made. But obviously he got caught.
The Israelites also faced a challenging decision when confronted with the choice of worshiping the gods of Egypt, which their parents had known through years of servitude; embracing new gods that offered alluring temptations; or worshiping the true God who rescued them time and time again. Joshua, their leader, recognized that opting to serve the Lord would not be the easy path. He understood that many would have to confront their own families and make a courageous stand. But he made that choice for his own family because he knew it was the only way.
Today, we too are presented with choices that will shape the foundation of our families' future. Whom will we choose to serve? What decisions will we make that will form the bedrock for generations to come? We have a call to trust in God and build our households upon a solid and unwavering foundation.
Place a stake in the ground and decide today to follow Jesus. Place him first in your time, in your finances, in your family.
Heavenly Father, I have seen you work in my life, and I want to fix my future on you. I want my home to be built on the solid rock that is you. I will serve you. In Jesus' name. Amen.