Daily Devotional

You Got ‘Em, Now Keep ‘Em!

February 4, 2022


1 Corinthians 7:3-4, “The husband should fulfill his marital duty to his wife, and likewise the wife to her husband. The wife’s body does not belong to her alone but also to her husband. In the same way, the husband’s body does not belong to him alone but also to his wife.”


Have you ever been in a conversation with someone who made no eye contact, asked no questions, and showed little interest in what you were saying? It’s a lousy experience that often leaves us feeling undervalued and unseen. Now think about having the same lackluster conversation with the one person on the planet who knows you better than anyone — your spouse.

Something beautiful happens the moment we stand at the altar and solemnly vow, “I do,” before God and witnesses. Two unite as one flesh – a oneness that should flow into every other area of our lives. This level of intimacy is as important outside the bedroom as it is inside! It’s about engaging and showing interest in what one’s spouse cares about by giving eye contact, maintaining one’s appearance, and prioritizing date nights. In a word — intentionality. Are you intentional about making your marriage thrive? Do you make an effort to engage in and be part of your spouse’s favorite things? Do you go the extra mile to look good for them regularly? Do you really listen when they speak? Do you validate their feelings and share in their dreams?

There’s power in one’s active presence, and there is power in making your spouse feel valued and seen. Therefore, strive to encourage and uplift them every day. Make your love shine as the two of you grow closer together and nearer to Christ. The effort put into your relationship will pay off in the end because whatever you did to get them is what you do to keep them!


Do you make others feel valued and seen? Whether you are married or not, be intentional about uplifting and encouraging someone today.


Dear Lord, I want to encourage and uplift my spouse and those closest to me. Give me the discipline to strive toward deeper intimacy. May my words, thoughts, and actions be a reflection of You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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