Daily Devotional
You CAN Do It!
February 1, 2021
Exodus 1:1-4:171 Chronicles 6:1-3a
Exodus 3:12a, “God answered, ‘I will be with you.’”At the time, Moses wasn’t filled with bravery or confidence in God-given gifts. He kept asking God repeatedly, “Why me?” Even after God showed Moses several miracles, he STILL didn’t think he was up for the task, yet God chose him to lead His chosen people out of slavery.We all can relate to Moses. How many times has God showed up and opened your eyes to what He had planned for you, and you lacked trust in your own ability?God has big things in store for you. Don’t allow the enemy’s lies or your past to fog your perspective on the gifts and abilities God has given you and how He desires you to use them. Turn from your insecurities, your doubt, and turn toward God. Even when you don’t feel qualified, He will give you what you need and be with you always.
Dear God, Thank You for the gifts and abilities You have given me. Help me remember that, like for Moses, You are with me. I want to turn from my insecurities and turn to what You want! Amen.