Daily Reading & Prayer

When Brooks Run Dry

June 10, 2021


1 Kings 15:16-17:72 Chronicles 17:191 Kings 17:2-7, “Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: ‘Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine … You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.’ So he did what the Lord had told him … and stayed there. The ravens brought him bread and meat … and he drank from the brook. Sometime later, the brook dried up because there had been no rain in the land.”


Have you ever noticed how squirmy kids get while sitting in time-out? Parents pick a place isolated from toys and games to give their children a moment to think about their behavior. As the clock ticks by, kids can’t wait to get back to playtime and fun. But they can’t move until their parent says, “Time’s up!”In today’s reading, God’s man, Elijah, was sent with a rather rude awakening and message for Israel’s terrible king, who the Bible notes “did more to provoke God’s anger than all of the kings prior.” So, imagine the blood draining from his face as Elijah told him, “God says there won’t be any rain or dew for the next few years!” This was a big deal — God’s judgment befell him, and it was about to wreak havoc in the land. The phrase “Don’t shoot the messenger” truly applies here! As Ahab’s anger burned, God sent Elijah to a desolate place far from everyone and everything!God faithfully supplied water from a brook and commanded ravens to drop meat off for him morning and night. But here’s the thing — the brook was dwindling. So day in and day out, Elijah had to sit and watch the water slowly trickle away. Can you imagine? Most of us would hit a breaking point and leave to find other options. But Elijah didn’t — he stayed and waited on God. What a display of obedience!When the brooks of our lives start to run dry, why does God want us to wait? Why does He allow us to squirm within times of isolation and hardship? It’s to cut away our self-reliance and pride to be used for His plan and purpose. So, if you feel as if God has placed you in “time out” and you’re struggling with looking elsewhere to fulfill a need, sit still! God is working in you for the next big thing He wants to do in and through your life!



Lord, I feel so thirsty at times, alone and stranded by a dwindling brook. Help me to be patient and wait on Your timing. Even if I can’t see where You’re leading so that I may be a blessing to others. Help me trust in Your provision and guidance. Amen.

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