Daily Reading & Prayer

What Would Jesus Say to Joe Biden: Who is Surrounding You?

May 10, 2023


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up.”


The truth is, we need each other. You may think you are a Lone Ranger, a loner, or even a solitudinarian. (Yes, it's a word,) However, God wired us for accountability. We need one another, and God uses other people to help us grow and transform.

In Ecclesiastes 4, Solomon tells the story of a man who toiled solo under the sun and became depressed because all his work was meaningless. He goes on to explain that having a friend by your side can change everything. God's Word makes it clear that finding friends and being honest about your struggles sets you up for greater success than you would have alone. You can attend church every weekend and remain anonymous. You can give false answers when people ask how you're doing and not have anyone to help you when you stumble. Alternatively, you can acknowledge that you require assistance. Successful teams recognize that we all need help and they position their players accordingly to provide support.

In the same way, we can't go through life alone. We need others to come alongside us and support us when we face challenges. Even Jesus surrounded himself with a team of disciples to carry out his mission. They were not perfect, but they were committed to him and to each other.

As we navigate through life, we should seek out and build relationships with those who share our values and our commitment to following Jesus. We should also be willing to offer our support to those around us who are struggling. Let us work together to build a winning team that honors God and serves others.


You can join a Bible Study Class, Connect Group or serve team and overcome things you thought would never go away. Let people know and support the real you.


God, I ask for your help in connecting with other believers. I want to grow and be encouraged by people I can be honest with. In Jesus' name, Amen.

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