Daily Reading & Prayer

What If?

November 27, 2022


Psalm 7:17, "I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness; I will sing the praises of the name of the Lord Most High."


What if you woke tomorrow with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? When I came across that question I literally had to read it a few times. It is a humbling idea. It isn’t to make you feel guilty or to coerce you to list every single blessing every single day. It’s just a reminder to keep gratitude at the forefront of our minds- to intentionally thank God for all the gifts He gives us. You can celebrate the simple: from strawberry shortcake, to sunshine, to your babies smile, or even 20 minutes to yourself- just be grateful. Let’s challenge ourselves to spend a few minutes every day thanking the Lord for His countless blessings.


List 5 simple things you are grateful for.


God may I see the blessings that surround me everyday and not overlook them.

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