Daily Devotional
Wanting and Waiting
December 30, 2022
Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight”
Noah waited for rain. Daniel waited in the lion’s den. David waited in the cave. Sarah waited for baby Isaac. Joseph waited in prison for 13 years for a crime he didn’t even commit. Moses waited for 40 years to be commissioned by God. Paul waited in prison. Why would we think God would speed up our process? There’s something about the waiting.
While Noah waited, he worked on an ark. While Daniel waited, he prayed in the lion’s den. While Joseph waited in prison he did his best at small tasks that was given to him. At every turn and every opportunity they didn’t waste the waiting. Like David, Paul, and even Jesus they waited patiently and began the ministry God placed around them. They cared for the people around them. Sometimes our journey of waiting and wanting is hands-on and physical like Noah’s, but sometimes it is solitary and soul-searching like Daniel’s. Sometimes it is about being patient, sometimes it is about being alert and aware. But it is always about surrender. Embrace this moment of as part of a bigger story.
Today whether your wait is about being alert or your wait is about being present, know that your wait isn’t wasted. Serve somebody, love somebody, lead somebody today.
God you are the maker of time. I trust you. Show me your presence while I am in a waiting period.