Daily Reading & Prayer

Walk This Way!

July 18, 2021


Isaiah 30:1-33:24

Isaiah 30:20-21, “Though the Lord gave you adversity for food and suffering for drink, He will still be with you to teach you. You will see your teacher with your own eyes. Your own ears will hear Him. Right behind you, a voice will say, ‘This is the way you should go,’ whether to the right or to the left.”


Loving parents discipline their children when they disobey. They don’t enjoy handing down a punishment or seeing their kids mess up. They want the best for them and understand that consequences must be given. Even when disappointed, they willingly give direction and guidance in a heartbeat because, ultimately, they want their offspring to travel along the right path in life.God is the ultimate parent. He loves us more than we could ever know. Even when He’s disappointed with our actions, when we succumb to that same old temptation yet again, His love remains the same.In today’s reading, the Israelites had continuously looked to the Egyptians for security and strength when facing a serious threat of attack. The same God who’d delivered their ancestors from Egyptian slavery had made it abundantly clear that they should trust in Him, that He would fight for them and strengthen them. Yet, they still refused to heed numerous warnings, and, as a result, they had to endure major hardships. But God’s discipline always comes with a promise — one of the best being His promise of guidance. He alone should direct our paths and guide us in the way of righteousness.Where would we be without His wisdom? How would we truly know what path to take to live out His best for our lives? No matter what you’ve done or ever will do, don’t forget that God wants to help you navigate through all seasons — the good, bad, and in-between. Don’t be prideful or look elsewhere. Look to His Word, listen for His voice, and listen for the wisdom of others who faithfully follow Christ. Do this, and live a life of victory and purpose. The right direction may not appear in bold signage with flashing lights before you, but you will feel either a gentle nudge in your spirit or later recognize how God orchestrated certain events to lead you where you needed to go. How great is our God!



Heavenly Father, Thank You for loving me and so willingly providing the guidance I need no matter what I've done in disobedience to Your commands. You are the ultimate Parent with whom I place my trust. Amen

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