Daily Reading & Prayer

Two Winning Moves

September 22, 2022


James 4:7, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.”


Once the final buzzer sounds in basketball, one of two opponents wins the game. Likewise, as Christians, we have an evil opponent trying his best to put us in the loss column.

In today’s verse, James instructs us to focus on two important aspects within the game of life that lead to victory: submission and resistance. We are to submit to God by obeying His directives, and resist the enemy’s advances. When we submit to God, His divine help jumps in to lend a hand. When we resist the devil, he runs away, completely defeated by God’s almighty power! Submit to God and resist the devil: Put these two powerful principles into play and experience the life God intended for you to live!


Circle the words “submit” and “resist” in your Bible and practice doing both as you go about your daily routine. Then tackle everything on your plate with the added confidence that today’s power verse brings to your life.


God, I want to submit to you in every facet of my life. Thank you for your almighty power, protection, and provision. Help me to remain obedient to you, and in doing so, resist Satan. And may I glorify you by living a life of worship! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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