Daily Reading & Prayer

The Scent of Salvation

February 6, 2022


2 Corinthians 2:15, “For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”


What is your favorite scent? Maybe it’s the smell of cinnamon or fresh linens. Perhaps it’s the aroma of coffee brewing, newly cut grass, or a roast cooking. For God, it’s His people — those in relationship with Jesus who spread their knowledge of Him to those around them.

The “aroma” that people give off as Christ-followers is unique and unparalleled by any other “smell.” It directly parallels the noticeable difference between those living on purpose for Christ versus those who aren’t. The glow and countenance they carry is the confidence of knowing that God is for them, where they’ll spend eternity, and how to find joy in all circumstances. It sets them apart like a pleasing scent.

When we are around others, it should make them more aware of God. And God uses this awareness to invite them into a relationship with Him, through Christ, so they can experience the beautifully scented cycle of being saved and restored.

Are you a carrier of Christ’s aroma? Or are you living in a way that doesn’t pass the smell test, a life off-purpose and malodorous to God?

Draw close to God and grow in your knowledge of Him. Smell like God, emit His aroma, and play a pivotal role in making people wonder what scent you’re wearing as they seek a sample of the Savior!


If you have yet to enter a personal relationship with Christ, pray for Him to reveal Himself to you.

If you are a believer, pray for opportunities to point others to Christ and share the good news of the gospel.


God, Thank You for sending Your Son to die and rise again so that I may be reconciled to You, grow to know You and gain eternal life. Give me opportunities to share You with those whose interest is piqued by the scent of salvation, the aroma of Your perfect love. Amen.

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