Daily Devotional
The Rescue
November 13, 2022
Romans 3:23, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord."
Have you ever felt like you are drowning – like you're just treading water, barely hanging on, grasping at whatever you can to keep afloat? The word “drowning” has different meanings. Consider this definition: a feeling of despair or depression when nothing is going right and you can't keep up. A lot of us can relate to that meaning. We've all felt this way at one point or another.
The Bible tells us that there’s a good reason we feel that way: it’s because we are sinners separated from God. We are drowning in our depravity, and there is nothing we can do to rescue ourselves. If we got what we deserved for our sins, it would be death (Romans 6:23).
But there is good news! Jesus paid the ultimate price for us when He died on the cross, taking on the death penalty that we deserved. But, just like a gift, it's our decision whether or not to accept it. Someone can throw us a life ring, but we have to choose whether or not to reach out for it. When we do, we will experience not only hope for the future, but strength for today!
If you haven't already accepted the life ring of Jesus into your life, what is keeping you from making that decision today? You can pray this prayer below:
Dear God, I am a sinner and I need to be forgiven. I believe Jesus Christ, Your Son, died for my sins and is alive right now. I turn away from my sin, confess Jesus Christ is my Lord, and receive Him into my life. I ask You, Lord Jesus, to take control. Thank You for giving me eternal life! Amen.