Daily Devotional
The Judgement Seat
March 19, 2022
Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Throughout our lives, we are “judged” for things, like our performance in athletics, our school achievements, and our accomplishments in the workplace. We are measured by what we do or do not do. The same is true in many intangible areas of life. What types of competitions have you been a part of where you were judged for your performance?
There may have been times when someone criticized you, and your response was, “Don’t judge me!” None of us like to find ourselves not measuring up. However, Scripture clarifies that when someone calls out sin in our lives, they are not “judging” us. In fact, Scripture commands us to watch out for each other and correct one another in love. Judgment is something that only God can do, and it is something that all of us will one-day face – even if we are Christ-followers. In John 16:8, Scripture tells us: “When He comes, He will prove the world to be in the wrong about sin and righteousness and judgment…” There will be a “Rapture” where Christ will return, and those who are “in Christ,” meaning that they have a personal relationship with God through Jesus, will join Him in Heaven. So, we are to live our lives with one eye on eternity and one eye here on earth.
No one likes to talk about God’s judgment, but we need to be reminded that God is, in fact, our Judge. He is the ultimate authority in our lives. But, here’s the GREAT NEWS! He is also our loving Father who sent Jesus to pay the price for our sin. We can confidently approach the throne of God without fear.
How can you keep one eye on earth and one eye on eternity? Make church a priority, and be intentional about sharing your faith with the people in your life.
Father, I pray for reminders throughout my day to honor You, and I pray for ways that I can be intentional about sharing my faith with others.