Daily Devotional
The Father Runs
June 22, 2023
Luke 15:20 “So he got up and went to his father. But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him.”
The term "prodigal" is often associated with negative connotations such as rebellion, sinfulness, and waywardness. However, the true meaning of the word is "wasteful in a reckless way; extremely generous, lavish." This parable is not only about the prodigal son's wild living, but it also reveals the father's lavish love for his wayward child. The story illustrates the character of our heavenly Father and how his generous love operates in a world full of rebellious children.
In fact, the story of the prodigal son could also apply to the father himself. At every turn in the story, the father's response is unexpected. He grants the younger son's outrageous request for his inheritance and allows him to leave. The father's love is so recklessly generous that it even permits rebellion. And when the son eventually returns, the father doesn't reject him but watches and waits for him with open arms.
Through this parable, Jesus wants us to understand that his Father's love is abundantly prodigal. When we repent and return home, our heavenly Father and all of heaven are ready to celebrate. He is actively pursuing us, running toward us with open arms. Let us take comfort in the knowledge that our Father’s love is so generous that it forgives our mistakes and shortcomings.
Have you accepted a relationship with the father? God loves you and desires a relationship with you! You can come to his open arms today.
Heavenly Father, thank you for pursuing me and running toward me. Thank you for your unfailing and unending love. In Jesus' name, Amen.