Daily Reading & Prayer

Test Me

July 3, 2020


Psalm 139:23b, “…Test me and know my anxious thoughts.”1 Peter 1:6-7, “In all this, you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith — of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire — may result in praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.”


Nothing you could ever do would cause God to love you any less. His unconditional love for you is complete, and He always has your best interest in mind. And, sometimes, it’s within our best interest to go through times of trial and testing. A great way to think about it is: while the devil tempts us to do wrong, God tests us to make us strong! He always has a result in mind, and He never wastes a moment to help us mature spiritually.David had an intimate relationship with God. He witnessed God do many amazing things amid difficult times. However, David also knew what it was like to give in to temptation. And although his heart had nothing but absolute love for God, like us, he, too, was a natural-born sinner. So, when David invited God to test him, he was asking God to reveal anything he needed to change so that he could get to the root of the problem. He was inviting God to make him stronger!Whether you ask for it or not, know that when you face tough times, God is working out His plan and purpose! He wants you to persevere and stay the course. He wants you to pass the test! So, the next time you face a trial, reframe it as an opportunity to reach new heights in your walk with God.


How is God testing you currently? It may be big, or it may be small, but whatever it looks like, pray for the strength to persevere — and succeed!


Dear Heavenly Father, Your love never fails. I know that Your tests, although difficult at times, are always for my benefit. Help me to persevere and, ultimately, pass! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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