Daily Reading & Prayer
Romans 12:2, “ Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Imagine life today without shopping online, using GPS, watching instructional videos, texting, or looking at social media. Our world today is dependent on the internet, and it’s remarkable all that can be done with a phone or laptop. God has gifted us with the miracle of technology. However, too many of us are being dumb when it comes to smart devices — especially when it comes to relationships. And for some, time spent on their devices has become a full-blown addiction.
Researchers have named this phenomenon “technoference” and are looking into how technology disruptions and distractions affect relationships because the average American devotes 10 hours a day to screen time! Is technoference an issue within your marriage?
Answer the following questions to see if technology is infringing on time that should be devoted to your spouse:
- You text more than you talk
- You regularly fall asleep with a smartphone, laptop, or tablet on the bed
- You spend more time surfing the web than you do quality time with your spouse
- You keep your smartphone on the table during meals
- You check your device when you get a notification, even if your spouse is in the middle of talking
- When watching TV with your spouse, you spend half the time looking at your phone
How did you do? Because your marriage should far outrank your need for technology. And the impact is far-reaching. That’s why it’s said, “So goes the marriage, so goes the family. So goes the family, so goes the nation.”
Don’t allow technoference to create cracks within your marital foundation. Set guardrails and guidelines around your usage. Rekindle romance and intimacy in technology-free zones. And rediscover the joy of unhindered time spent face to face with the guy or gal you vowed to love until the end of time!
Choose one action step you can take to reduce technoference in your relationships.
Lord, I choose to prioritize time spent with my spouse and other close relationships — including my time spent with You — over the use of technology. Help me to do so as I seek to live out Your perfect and pleasing will. In Jesus’ name, Amen