Daily Devotional
Surrendering Control
June 27, 2022
1 Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
Have you ever faced a difficult relationship, a stressful work situation, or a personal issue that you knew required you to make a hard decision? Maybe you knew what God wanted you to do but you were afraid to do it?
The real question we have to answer is: Do we believe that God is trustworthy and able to lead us to the right decision?
Scripture portrays God as mighty and all-powerful. The wording of this passage seems to suggest that "because he cares for you" is not alluding so much to God's DESIRE to care for us but his ABILITY. God is able to handle all that comes our way.
It’s when we humble ourselves before God that we are positioned to receive His care. Why is that? The answer lies within the heart. A control-seeking heart will prevent God from working through our anxiety and burdens. It is not that He can't work through our troubles because of a prideful heart — He won't. It is when we set our plans aside and trust in God that we will see Him work — even if His plans are different from ours.
Have you tried to handle life on your own? Could it be that receiving God's provision for your life hinges upon giving your life to Him?
Take a moment today, and assess things in your life (finances, relationships, health) that you are trying to control instead of giving to God. Make a point of committing those things to Him daily, letting go, and letting God take over.
Lord, You are sovereign over all things. Search my heart and show me what I am withholding from You. Today, I give all of my anxieties to You.