Daily Devotional
Stop and Consider
January 29, 2021
Job 35:1-37:24
Job 37:14, “Listen to this, Job; stop and consider God’s wonders.”When was the last time you stopped and took in the beauty and wonder of the world around you? It seems that our fast-paced lives and the challenges we encounter cause us to often miss these wonders. Instead, our focus becomes fixed on our current circumstances and the issues at hand. We are unable to see beyond ourselves to experience God’s beautiful creation.In today’s reading, Job’s friend seems to be reminding him to take a moment, so he doesn’t miss the marvel around him. The Creator of the Universe has put spectacular things around us. He causes amazing occurrences that we take for granted. During the most difficult times, when we can’t see beyond our own circumstances, we need to be reminded of God’s power and sovereignty. Take time to recognize the greatness and majesty of His universe and be in awe of Him. Know that when things seem the most baffling, He is in control!
Heavenly Father, Thank You for reminding me that You are in control. It’s easy to focus on my circumstances and lose sight of that. Help me to look up and look around. Remind me of Your wonders and Your sovereignty in this world and in my life. I trust you and I want to keep my eyes fixed on You. Amen.