Daily Devotional
Run to the House
November 28, 2020
John 3:3, “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’”John 1:12, “Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.”
The classic definition of "home" is a place where a family resides. But, really, “home” describes a sense of familiarity. For many of us, no matter how long it's been since we've lived in the house we grew up in, we still call it “home.” It’s where we experienced childhood, matured, and developed relational skills. For some, it's a place of security and belonging. And for others, their family of origin's home is merely a place they wanted to escape. Regardless of how functional or dysfunctional life was growing up, we have the opportunity to live out God's ideal for the family going forward.When we choose Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are adopted into God’s family. And there's no better place to learn how to run our homes than by being committed to God's house. It's there we learn how to be a strong, focused family that provides a sense of godly order and discipline within our own homes. So, if you find yourself feeling alone and lack that familiar sense of belonging, remember, the door is always open. Run to the House!
The best way to learn what God's ideal for the family looks and feels like is to be a part of one! Make plans to experience God’s house now! Make running to the house an unwavering priority for your home.
Heavenly Father, Thank You for adopting me into Your family and giving me a secure sense of belonging in Your House. I commit to being strong in faith and focusing on serving You within the church and beyond. In Jesus’ name, Amen!