Daily Reading & Prayer

Rudeness Rising

February 1, 2023


1 Corinthians 13:5, “It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.”


In our culture today, it seems like no one has to look far to find a reason to be offended or angered by someone else’s words or actions. And, too often, our knee-jerk reaction is to respond with the same anger, and continue the cycle of offense. Wall Street Journal essayist Merrill Markoe calls the world we live in a “renaissance of rudeness.”  

In verse 13, Jesus shows us how to respond to rudeness. He challenges us to turn our eyes outward. Why? Because when we focus on honoring and serving others, it takes our focus off of ourselves.

Are you easily offended? Do you often find your temper flaring? Jesus reminds us that love looks for opportunities to serve, so it doesn’t focus on “self.” It looks to build up, so it honors others.  And when we are filled with that kind of grace, when our eyes are focused outward instead of inward, there’s less time to be offended and no room for bitterness.


Love sees potential. So, today, speak life into someone you may otherwise want to avoid. Love expunges a rude soul.


Father, thank You for empowering me to live out Your love. Open my heart and eyes to ways I can show Your love to others. Give me a true love for others so that I can honor them and You. Amen.

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