Daily Devotional
January 23, 2025
Matthew 6:26 "Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?"
Have you ever felt the crushing weight of worry—the kind that whispers, “What if I don’t have enough?” Maybe it’s financial uncertainty, the pressure to meet expectations, or the quiet fear that what you have won’t be enough to carry you through. Jesus meets us in that place with a simple, yet profound truth: Look at the birds.
Thomas Watson (1620-1686) once said, “If God feeds the ravens, he will not starve his doves.” Think about that. Birds don’t strategize, store, or strive, yet they are cared for every single day. And you? You are infinitely more valuable to God than a sparrow. This is not a promise that life will always be easy, but it’s a guarantee that your heavenly Father sees you and knows exactly what you need.
Maybe you’ve experienced this before—the unexpected check when you were running out of money, a friend showing up just when you felt alone, or a sudden peace that carried you through the storm. These moments aren’t coincidences; they are evidence of a God who provides.
But trusting in his provision is hard, isn’t it? We want certainty and control. Yet Jesus calls us to release the weight of striving and embrace the peace of trust. Worry can’t add a single moment to our lives, but trusting God brings freedom, rest, and assurance.
How has God provided for you before? Let those moments flying through your mind remind you that the God who feeds the birds and clothes the flowers will never fail to provide for you. Will you trust him with your needs, both seen and unseen, and rest in his faithful care?
Take five minutes today to think about a time when God provided for you unexpectedly. Write it down as a reminder of his faithfulness.
Lord, you are faithful and true. You know my needs and provide with perfect care. Help me to release my worries to you and trust in your unseen hands. Give me faith to rest in your promises and live in the peace you provide. In Jesus’ name. Amen.