Daily Devotional
May 17, 2024
James 4:14 “Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.”
I have to admit, I'm not a fan of board games. So, when my teenagers suggested, "Let's play a board game," I cringed internally. However, realizing that they preferred spending time with their parents over being glued to their phones or scrolling through TikTok felt like a major win. Watching your children grow up is a profound experience. They transform from those adorable, chubby toddlers into teenagers who seem almost unrecognizable. Their voices and interests evolve, and so do their facial features—it's all part of embracing the young adults they are becoming.
Unfortunately, I didn't quite rise to the occasion during this particular game night. It was shaping up to be a disaster because I was too caught up with sending “just one more email.” As my kids set up the board and started rolling the dice, I was distractedly typing away. They tried to get my attention, urging me to close my laptop. Despite their hints, I kept trying to juggle both tasks until my youngest let out an exasperated sigh. That's when it hit me—I needed to shut down the laptop and focus on what truly mattered.
This situation reminded me of a passage from the book of James in the Bible, which speaks to the brevity of life and the pitfalls of self-reliance. James addressed people who, much like myself at that moment, placed too much confidence in their own efforts and overlooked the importance of depending on God. James urged his readers to focus on what's truly important—engaging in God's will.
For me, on that game night, God's will was clear: not to send another email, but to cherish and prioritize time with my children—the precious gifts he has given me. It was a reminder that in the eyes of God, people always take precedence over productivity. This moment of clarity has reshaped how I view my priorities, reminding me to always value human connections over tasks, because our lives, fleeting as they are, are about much more than just accomplishments.
Set aside a specific time each day where you disconnect from all devices and distractions. Whether it's during dinner, a designated family time, or right before bed, use this time to engage fully with your loved ones. Actively listen, ask questions.
Jesus, thank you for the gift of our loved ones. I confess that too often I let distractions and the busyness of life pull me away from the moments that truly matter. Give me the wisdom to prioritize what is truly important, not just what seems urgent. Teach me to be fully present in the moments. In Jesus’ name. Amen.