Daily Devotional
Plug In
September 9, 2022
Luke 18:27, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."
Do you have baggage from your past that you would like to unload? We all experience times when we feel stuck. Our initial reaction is to switch into self-improvement mode and make changes, only to realize the futility of our efforts. But true and lasting change doesn’t come until we admit that we need an outside power source.
For example, a lamp can sit next to an electrical outlet, yet it can't turn on or function until it's plugged in. The same is true for us. Without plugging into God's power, we are powerless to overcome our past, find peace in the present, or flourish in the future.
God never asked us to try to be better people. Instead, He offers to empower us to become who we could never be on our own. Jesus is the ultimate change agent. When we plug into His power, we discover the power of true change.
Have you experienced that true change? Is God's transformational power at work within you? The moment you admit your powerlessness and commit to God's power, He will illuminate your path as you gradually shed the baggage of your past and enter into a life full of purpose and hope!
Read Paul's powerful prayer in Ephesians 3:14-21. Visualize Paul's words as you read it, and then read it again aloud as you tap into God's power and praise Him for it.
Heavenly Father, thank You for loving me enough to accept me as a work in progress. I praise You for sending Your only Son to make a way for me to turn from my past and transform me into who You created me to be. In Jesus' name, Amen.