Daily Devotional
Our Hope
July 14, 2021
Psalm 128-130, 132, 134-135Psalm 130:7, “Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with Him is full redemption.”
Have you ever hoped for something? Maybe you crossed your fingers, wished on a lucky penny, or even bargained with God in the hope of getting what you so truly desired. If so, you’re not alone! We don’t have to look far to find memes and t-shirts with reminders to “hold on to hope.” But there is an important question we need to ask ourselves: In what or whom are we placing our hope? Is it in the illusion of the things or people we think will give us a better life? Or, is it in the God of the universe who created us with purpose and who loves us completely? You see, hope is not something we wish for; it’s what we gain through a relationship with Christ.Biblically defined, hope is “the confident expectation of what God has promised, and its strength is in His faithfulness.” That’s a powerful certainty that God will make good on all His promises!If we look back over our lives, we can see God’s fingerprints. We see marks of His protection and shining moments of His miraculous interventions. When we experience God and witness His faithfulness, it strengthens our hope because we see Him for Who He is… the almighty and sovereign God of the universe, our Rock, and gracious Redeemer. His love for us is beyond comprehension. Therefore, be confident within your hope that God has great things in store for your life. This can give you assurance when the future is yet to be seen.
Lord, My hope is in You. Thank You so much for your unfailing love and grace. Help me stay steadfast in Your ways and rest confidently in the assurance that Your promises are true. Amen.