Daily Reading & Prayer

OUR Father

January 30, 2020


Matthew 6:9, "Our Father, who art in heaven…”John 1:12, "Everybody who's accepted Christ has been made a son or a daughter…”


Family meetings are set when something important needs to be communicated to the entire family. Good news or bad, everyone is in it together. That is one of the joys of being a part of a family: the ability to experience life together.But no matter the size or status of our family of origin, when we acknowledge Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we step into the family of God and become His children. Each time we come together as the church it’s as though we are having a huge family meeting and OUR Father wants to communicate something important to us. As we unite as the body of Christ in prayer, it’s powerful. In fact, Jesus said, “Where two or three gather in My name, I am there among them.” So, just imagine the impact of two or three hundred — or thousand — gathered in prayer!When Jesus taught His disciples to pray, he didn’t begin with “My Father,” but with “OUR Father.” We are one of many children created for community. Our Heavenly Father loves when we encourage, support, and forgive one another. That’s why life is so much better when we do it together. We are a family — God’s family — sons and daughters of the Most High.


Let’s meet and experience life together! Come to one of the many experiences Fellowship Church offers each Sunday. Click “locations” on the FC app or visit us at fellowshipchurch.com to view experience times near you.


Heavenly Father, Thank You for being such a good Father. When I tend to isolate myself, remind me that life is not a solo sport, that I have many brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Help us all, as Your children, be a reflection of You. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

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