Daily Devotional
O Come, O Come Emmanuel
December 17, 2022
Matthew 1:23, “’The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel’ (which means ‘God with us’)”.
“O Come, O Come Immanuel” is a very somber carol that originated in the Middle Ages. It was originally a chant used in advent vespers. Every line speaks to a longing for Christ. It speaks to a yearning of rescue, to a hope for deliverance. It gives us the picture of Israel’s desire for freedom – it is the consummate image of redemption.
If you have ever felt like you needed redemption, if you are desperate or lonely, this song is for you. This can be your prayer. God has come; Immanuel is here. God in flesh dwells with us!
O come, O come Emmanuel.And ransom captive IsraelThat mourns in lonely exile hereUntil the Son of God appear.
As we sing this song, we can remember the depth of His love for us, expressed by sending Jesus – God wrapped in skin – to rescue us from our sin. He not only redeemed us from our sin through His death and resurrection, but He also walked our world in physical form: “God with us.”
Take time today to see God as He shows up in the moments of your life. Watch for someone He puts in your path and invite them to Christmas so they can also experience Him this season!
God, open my eyes to see You in the ordinary events of today. Use me to touch the lives of others. Thank You for this reminder that You are here with me! Amen.