Daily Devotional
Nothing Wasted
July 13, 2021
Psalm 120-121, 123, 125-126
Psalm 126:6, “Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them."
A farmer puts the seed in the ground, waters it, and then waits. From experience, he knows that fretting and impatience can do nothing to hurry the task of seeing it sprout. He trusts that something is happening below the surface and that, in time, it will flourish.This is similar to our relationship with God. Nothing is wasted that’s laid at the Father’s feet — it is fertile ground. Our sorrows and failures are like seeds planted and watered with our tears. In due season — either now or in eternity — He will produce life, joy, and beauty from all that you have entrusted to Him. So, right now, drop everything at the foot of the cross and hold nothing back. Remember and marvel at how He has delivered you from a different, difficult season. Place your hope in Him to do it again. Trust with patience that He wants you to flourish and grow!
Lord, There are moments when it is hard for me to see a way out of certain situations. When I struggle to understand, let that not stop me from believing and trusting You. I am completely YOURS, and I trust YOU to turn my mourning into dancing and my tears to joy. Amen.