Daily Reading & Prayer

My Plays

March 17, 2024
Psalm 32:8 “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.”
Luke 6:46 “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?”


In the world of football, the legendary quarterback, Roger Staubach, who played under the equally legendary coach, Tom Landry, for the Dallas Cowboys, faced a dilemma. Despite his respect for Coach Landry’s football genius, Staubach occasionally found himself at odds with the coach’s strategies. He believed he knew best how to run the Cowboys’ offense and desired the freedom to lead the team on the field in his own way.

Staubach wrestled with a decision. Would he rebel against his coach’s authority and potentially part ways with the organization, or would he choose to align himself with the direction Coach Landry was taking the team? Ultimately, Staubach came to a realization. He said, “I faced up to the issue of obedience. Once I learned to obey, there was harmony, fulfillment, and victory.”

This story highlights an important truth: obedience is the key to walking by faith. It serves as the crucial hinge piece that determines our direction and shapes how we hear from God.
Just as Staubach found harmony and fulfillment through obedience on the football field, we too can experience the same in our spiritual lives. When we choose to obey God’s guidance and follow his leading, we find ourselves in alignment with his will, leading to a sense of fulfillment in our journey of faith.

Obedience is not just a duty, but a pathway to victory in our walk with God. As we seek to discern his will and follow his direction, we will find ourselves walking in harmony with his plans, experiencing the fulfillment that comes from faithful obedience.


“Jesus replied, ‘Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them’” (John 14:23). In what areas of your life are you resisting God’s plan or his timing? Take a step of faith by obeying God’s guidance in that area, recognizing faith and obedience are connected.


Lord, I confess that there are times when I struggle to submit to the authorities you have placed in my life. Help me to surrender my will to yours, recognizing that true obedience brings about harmony and fulfillment. Help me to align my actions with your will and to walk in obedience, even when it is difficult. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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