Daily Devotional
Luke 13, 14
July 27, 2024
Read: Luke 13, 14
Luke 13:3 “I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish..”
In Luke 13, people tell Jesus about Pilate's horrific act of murdering Galileans during their worship, mixing their blood with their sacrifices. They hint that these Galileans must have been extraordinarily sinful for such a tragedy to happen to them. Jesus, however, turns this thinking on its head. He tells them, "No, their sin wasn’t extraordinarily horrible. It was just like yours. And unless you repent, you too will experience a horrible end." Instead of marveling at their deaths, he wanted them to recognize their own sinfulness and the urgent need for repentance.
Jesus's message is clear: we are all deeply sinful. Calamities and disasters shouldn't shock us as though something unwarranted happened to innocent people. According to Romans 3:23, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." What should truly amaze us is not that some people are taken by disaster, but that God is patient and gives us another day to repent. The real marvel is God’s slow anger and abundant mercy, allowing us another chance to turn back to him.
Repentance is a profound and transformative act. It involves recognizing our sins, feeling genuine sorrow for them, and turning away from those sins to follow God’s path. In essence, repentance means a change of mind and heart, resulting in a change of actions. Jesus warns, "Unless you repent, you will all likewise perish." To perish means missing out on eternal life with God, something we can escape only through repentance and faith in Jesus. Repentance is not just about avoiding punishment; it’s about embracing a new life in Christ.
This message is urgent and personal. It’s a call for you, your family, your neighbors, and everyone you meet to repent and turn to God. Think about how seriously we respond to physical catastrophes like hurricanes or tornados. How much more should we act on the danger of sin, which has eternal consequences? Jesus urges us to take this seriously and respond with repentance and faith. It’s a matter of eternal life or death.
Have you shared the message of salvation with someone lately? Remember, “You will all likewise perish.” Who do you need to speak to today?
Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross and paying the price for my sins. I am in awe of your mercy, which washes away my sins and gives me a fresh start. Give me boldness and wisdom as I speak to my loved ones and friends about what you have done for us on the cross. Guide me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.