Daily Devotional
Look Up
January 10, 2022
PSALM 5:3 “In the morning, O Lord, You will hear my voice. In the morning I will lay my prayers before You and will look up.”
“Steering Wheel or Spare Tire?” One of the most important looks we can have is to look up in prayer. It’s essential that we do it on a daily basis. Jesus usually started his day by looking up to his Father, so we should follow his example. It hurts the heart of God when we don’t take advantage of this incredible gift where we, his creation, can communicate with the Creator. In your life, is prayer more like a steering wheel or a spare tire? Do you use this gift to guide you daily or just use it sparingly when life gets rough? Prayer is such an incredible opportunity for us to move things from our worry list to our prayer list. Prayer is where all of our problems change shoulders from ours to God’s. This can only happen if we remember that prayer is not just a monologue; it is a dialogue. Aren’t you glad we can communicate with God anytime? He’s never on vacation, never out to lunch, and he never puts us on hold. God is available 24/7. What a great gift!
Spend more time than usual in prayer today and ask God to help you use this incredible gift of communication more like a steering wheel than a spare tire. Make it a priority by carving out time every day to connect with him. As Jesus did, try starting your day off with prayer and see how it will give you a morning boost to accomplish all you need as he leads the way.
God, thank you so much for this wonderful gift you have given me. I’m so glad that I can call on you at any time and you hear my prayer. I never want to take this wonderful opportunity for granted. In Jesus’ name, Amen.