Daily Reading & Prayer
John 4
Read: John 4
John 4:13-15 "Jesus answered, 'Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.’ The woman said to him, ‘Sir, give me this water so that I won't get thirsty and have to keep coming here to draw water.'"
Humans are made to crave. We travel the world to sightsee; many are thrill seekers, and some of us are self-proclaimed "foodies." But what sets apart an adventurous spirit from an unsatisfied soul? The answer lies in John 4, where we meet the woman at the well. She has a deep need she's trying to fill, believing only one way can satisfy her emptiness. She seeks fulfillment in relationships, only to be left with a void after each relationship ends.
Jesus encounters her at the well, where she's drawing water. He reveals her thirst isn't for men, romance, or security—it's for him. Jesus offers her living water, not in a physical sense, but as the Messiah, Savior, and Creator. He tells her that her soul is meant to drink deeply from his well of satisfaction, not from the temporary pleasures of this world. This relentless, compassionate love is what Jesus offers to each of us.
If you're not drawing from Jesus' well, you may find yourself stuck in a cycle—moving from one thing to the next, trying to fill the void. It might not be sexual partners for you; it could be friends, jobs, hobbies, or even a wardrobe overhaul—the instability of constantly seeking something new points to a lack of deep contentment in Christ. When you drink deeply from Jesus, you find stability and peace. Your new identity doesn't crave the next new thing.
Living by Jesus' fountain of living water means finding deep satisfaction and steadiness in him. Those deeply connected to Jesus don't jump from job to job or relationship to relationship. They are centered and content, living with a consistent, deep satisfaction from a daily, refreshing relationship with him. This isn't a stagnant life; it's a dynamic and fulfilling one, rooted in the endless well of Jesus' love and grace.
Acknowledge your thirst. Ask yourself what you are longing for and why. Ask Jesus to fill these deepest needs.
Jesus, only you can quench the deepest desires of my soul. I confess that I have often sought fulfillment in things that leave me empty and unsatisfied. Help me to seek you daily. Reveal distractions that pull me away from you. Give me strength as I focus on you. In Jesus' name. Amen.