Daily Reading & Prayer

John 12, 13

August 12, 2024

Read: John 12, 13

John 12:32 “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”


The Statue of Liberty stands in New York, a symbol of freedom and hope. The poem, The New Colossus, is inscribed on its base, written by Jewish-American poet Emma Lazarus in 1883. The poem's powerful words resonate through time: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, and I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" These lines invite the downtrodden to find refuge and new beginnings in America, embodying the nation's promise of liberty.

Another monument, the cross where Jesus hung 2,000 years ago, towers over history as a beacon of spiritual freedom. The sight of the cross might initially repel us, as it represents suffering and death. However, a closer look reveals the sinless Son of God, dying in our place for our sins. From the cross, Jesus utters words of profound forgiveness, "Father, forgive them" (Luke 23:34), and triumph, "It is finished!" (John 19:30). These declarations offer hope and redemption to all who believe.

True freedom comes from the cross, from Jesus dying and rising from the dead. When we place our trust in Christ as our Savior, the heavy burden of guilt lifts from our sin-weary souls. The cross, once a symbol of death, becomes a symbol of eternal life and freedom. Jesus' resurrection assures us of victory over sin and death, promising eternal life to those who believe.

While the Statue of Liberty is a powerful symbol of freedom, the cross has life and continues to transform people. The cross offers more than just a symbol; it provides a living, ongoing change in the lives of those who embrace its message. Through Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection, we are offered true freedom that lasts for eternity, continually renewing and giving hope to all who seek it.


Do you feel burdened or hopeless? You can turn to Jesus right now! He offers freedom and hope! Accept his free gift of salvation by putting your faith in what he did on the cross for you. Ask him to cleanse your sins, and he will.


Jesus, thank you for being my true liberty and for offering hope and rest to my weary soul. I come to you now, surrendering the burdens that I carry. Please fill me with your peace and help me trust your promises. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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