Daily Devotional

In Awe

May 16, 2021


Psalms 144-145, 88-89

Psalm 144: 3, 9 “O Lord, what are human beings that You should notice them, mere mortals that You should think about them? … I will sing a new song to You, my God; on the ten-stringed lyre, I will make music to You.”


When we consider the vastness of the universe, it can be a little overwhelming. Suddenly, we seem so small and perhaps insignificant comparatively. And yet, Genesis 1:27 says that God chose humankind over ALL His creation to be his image-bearers. So, when when we get lost in our thoughts and feel as if we don’t measure up in the grand scheme of life, we must remember that the Creator of the universe was extremely intentional about making us all His uniquely crafted, one-of-a-kind design masterpieces. This is truly awe-inspiring on every level!In Psalm 144, David had just exalted God’s great strength and victory. Then suddenly, he, too, seems dumbfounded that the Almighty, Sovereign Lord would have interest in him, or for that matter, humanity, in general. He is amazed by each new victory and deliverance from his enemies. Therefore, just as God’s mercy renews at the break of every dawn, his praise of God should be renewed each day also.There’s a song that states, “My best friend’s the Creator of the universe.” God not only created us, but He also desires to have personal intimacy with us, to be our best friend. Today, welcome that relationship and be in awe of God’s creation. Let Him put a new song of gratitude in your heart and praise Him. Remember that He sees you, He hears you, and He loves you. Walk in His purpose and allow His light to shine through you for all to see.



Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your creation and for giving me a significant role as Your image-bearer. Fill my heart with a new song of gratitude as I praise You in all I do. Shine Your light through me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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