Daily Devotional
Hold It to the Light
September 3, 2023
John 8:12 “Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, ‘I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in the darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.’”
One of my kids bought a cheap glow-in-the-dark ball at the store. She brought it home and immediately ran to the bathroom to see its mysterious glimmer shine in the darkness. But it didn’t shine! She ran out and said, “This is a piece of junk!” I explained to her that it needed to be held up to the light. It needed to absorb the light before it could shine. It just needed more time in the light. She held it to the light and ran back and repeated the experiment and, astonishingly, it worked!
Aren’t we like that sometimes? Our Christianity can become dull when we have been sitting on the shelf away from the light. It appeals to no one. But when we bring out the light, healing can take place. Light is used to treat cancer and depression, to combat acne and cold sores. Our goal is to stay close to the light source. Soak up, absorb the light! W must allow it to permeate our pores, color our lenses; allow the light to overflow into the dark world around us so it can bring healing and hope.
Are you staying close to the light source? Take a spiritual inventory. Has your heart grown callous? Do you invite your lost friends to Jesus, to church? When was the last time you have talked to Jesus about your hurting neighbors? Ask him to forgive you now!
Heavenly Father, with you there is no darkness, no shadows. Let me not only walk in the light, but bring your light to others. Open my eyes to see people around me who need you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.