Daily Reading & Prayer

His Way Not Yours

March 5, 2021


Numbers 19:1-21:35


Numbers 20:12, “But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in Me enough to demonstrate My holiness to the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land I give them!” If you have ever watched a reality TV show, you’ve probably experienced a cringe moment when someone decides to act irrationally, and you realize that it will not end well for them. In a way, that’s how we feel in this passage of today’s reading. We read how God clearly told Moses to SPEAK to the rock to draw water from it. Instead, Moses acted irrationally, took credit for producing the water, and then struck the rock — twice!It’s easy for us to read this and see that it won’t end well. But chances are, we’ve done the same. We become impatient and think our plans will work better. We think that slightly tweaking God’s plan won’t really matter. So, we take control, act on our impulses, and experience the inevitable fallout. When we attempt to usurp God’s authority in our lives, it NEVER ends well.In our finite minds, God’s ways are often complex and not easily understood. But rest assured, they ARE the best way. We can be confident that His plans are meant for our good and His glory. Be patient. Follow His instructions, and watch Him work beyond your expectations.



Heavenly Father, Thank You for taking care of me. I know that I have tried to take control when Your plans are clearly better. Help me to be patient and wait on Your direction. Guide me to follow Your instruction so that You will receive all the glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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