Daily Reading & Prayer

Highlight Reels aren't Real

July 3, 2021


Proverbs 30:1-31:31Proverbs 30:31, “Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”


In a world where diva lighting and flattering filters are used to make the perfect Insta shot, who can really tell what is real and what’s not? Our world constantly dares us to compare as we view the highlight reels of lives on social media. We soon find ourselves striving to obtain what we assume others have and do through pictures and videos — but who are we kidding? No life is perfect; we all have troubles, and we all have things we’d never dare post for the whole world to see.Today’s passage is from a poem written as a Hebrew acrostic commonly referred to as “The Proverbs 31 Woman.” She was described to King Lemuel by his mother as the woman he should strive to marry. In a sense, this could be considered a biblical “profile pic.” Who was this woman? Because, honestly, her characteristics seem quite daunting. Who can possibly be that together in every aspect? However, there’s one virtue listed that we can all strive for and attain — a heart that fears the Lord.The entire book of Proverbs offers countless practical teachings for men and women alike. We can choose to seek wisdom or stumble down the path of folly. Highlight reel living eventually fades, and such lack of substance and true authenticity only lead to heartache and pain because a life worth living has God in the center of every frame. So, seek to walk with the wise, to live within the understanding and discernment that comes from God alone. To Him be the glory as you maintain a healthy fear of His power in your heart. Praise Him and be blessed!



Heavenly Father, Thank You for the wisdom that only You can give, and I choose to seek it. Help me not compare myself to others knowing, You made me who I am for Your specific plan and purpose. Let my eyes focus on You and the beauty of Your ways. Amen.

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