Daily Reading & Prayer

God of Salvation

July 24, 2021


Isaiah 43:14-48:11Isaiah 45:22, “Let all the world look to me for salvation! For I am God; there is no other.”


How often do you ignore warnings? When a sign says, “Road Closed to Thru Traffic,” do you skirt around it and keep driving? When you read “Do Not Climb on Rocks,” do you do it anyway? If your “low fuel” light comes on, do you try to push the limit? Hazards await when we refuse to heed such warnings. In a much bigger way, Israel refused to listen to the prophets God sent to warn them about their disobedience. But along with these recurrent warnings, God also sent messages of hope and the promise of a Messiah. In today’s reading, He extends that call beyond Israel to the entire world — and to us. He is reminding us of His absolute authority and power — it’s only He who can bring salvation because He alone is God!The belief that fame, fortune, and earthly relationships can give us security and salvation has made these the little “g” gods of our time. A lifetime of attention and worship has been poured into things that can only bring temporary satisfaction — they always overpromise and underdeliver. These “gods” require a sacrifice well beyond what we bargain for. They are incapable of satisfying the soul, and in the end, we discover that investment into the temporal gets us nowhere in eternity.Salvation is found through accepting Christ into our hearts and letting Him reign supreme in our lives. Today, God is calling out with an urgent reminder to turn from the temporal and look to the eternal. Give Him the reigns of authority. Let Him rule. Bask in the hope of heaven that awaits those who love Him and live according to His purpose.



Heavenly Father, I am in awe of You. I know sometimes I need to be reminded that You alone are God, and I am not. I give You authority over my life. Help me to be mindful of eternity while I’m living for You today. Amen.

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