Daily Devotional

Go Fish!

September 29, 2021


Mark 1:14-39Matthew 4:12-25, 8:14-17Luke 3:23, 4:16-44John 4:46-54Matthew 4:19, “Come, follow Me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will make you fishers of men.’”


"Step outside, open your hands, and just let the fish jump in!" – No Fisherman EverWe all know that in order to catch fish, you have to go to the water, cast, reel, and repeat. You have to work to get the fish’s attention; sometimes it takes trying various methods and different kinds of bait. If you’re lucky you might catch one right away, but there’s usually a lot of waiting involved. Although fishing requires a lot of effort and, at times, seemingly endless patience, the payoff is quite rewarding!Jesus paints this picture in today's verse. As His followers, fishing must be our hobby. With patience, we look for opportunities to engage in conversation. We employ creative tactics using a variety of common interests to connect with others. Sometimes “fishing for men” produces quick results, and other times it takes years of consistent praying and persistent inviting. But, if we are willing, God works through us in amazing ways to catch the attention of people still living in darkness. The greatest thing we can do is show them the life-saving relationship that only Christ offers!So, are you fishing for lost souls? Are you angling to gain the attention of those without hope? Just as Jesus called upon Andrew and Peter to be fishers of men, He has called you. It’s time to get hooked!



Jesus, Open my heart to seek out the lost and invite them to experience You. Help me to not be easily distracted and to remain focused as a fisher of humanity. Give me patience as I trust You to do the catching. Amen!

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