Daily Devotional
Don’t Be Afraid
October 30, 2024
2 Kings 6:16 “‘Don’t be afraid,’ the prophet answered. ‘Those who are with us are more than those who are with them.’”
As we sat together watching TV, the political ads flashed across the screen—each one more volatile and explosive than the last. The negativity and fearmongering were palpable, and I couldn’t help but feel the tension rise in the room. I glanced at the faces of those around me, especially the younger ones, and wondered what they were thinking. How are they processing all of this? Seeing so much chaos and division felt overwhelming, making me anxious about the future. It’s hard to escape the feeling that everything is unpredictable and uncertain.
In moments like this, it’s easy to feel like Elisha’s servant in 2 Kings 6. He saw an army surrounding them and panicked, overwhelmed by the sheer size of the threat. But Elisha saw something more—God’s presence, protection, and control. Elisha wasn’t shaken because he knew God’s army far outnumbered the forces against them. Just like the political turmoil we face today, it can seem like the world is spiraling, but the truth is, God is still at work in ways we often can’t see.
Instead of getting caught up in fear and volatility, we can pause and remember that God is in control, just as he was for Elisha and his servant. The unpredictability of politics may feel unsettling, but like Elisha, we can pray for spiritual eyes to see God’s presence in the midst of it all. He is still on the throne, and his plans are far greater than any political agenda.
So, when the ads feel overwhelming, and the world seems to be erupting around us, let’s take a moment to breathe and trust in the God who sees it all. Like Elisha’s servant, we can ask God to open our eyes to the reality that his power is greater than any political force. We might not be able to control the outcomes, but we can rest in the One who holds all things together.
The next time you watch political ads or hear about the latest news, take a moment to pause and pray. Ask God to give you peace and to help you see things from his perspective, just like Elisha’s servant.
Lord, when the world feels chaotic and uncertain, help me to trust in your control. Open my eyes to see your presence and remind me that you are always at work, even when things seem unpredictable. Give me peace and guide my thoughts and actions. In Jesus' name. Amen.