Daily Devotional
Change My Mind
February 3, 2024
Philippians 2:5 “Have the same mindset as Christ Jesus.”
Psalm 1:2 “But whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.”
In a world where 92 percent of people fall short of their goals each year, it's intriguing to explore the eight percent who emerge as victorious goal achievers. These high achievers, scattered across diverse backgrounds, lifestyles, and demographics, hold the secret to success that eludes the majority.
Picture this eight percent—they could be your next-door neighbor, a fellow student, a business tycoon, or someone struggling to make ends meet. They break the mold of conventional success stories, showcasing that achievement knows no boundaries. Marital status, education level, financial standing, age, or ethnicity—none of these factors are barriers to entry into this elite group. What unites them is a shared mindset, a mindset wired for success, guiding their thoughts and actions.
The undeniable truth is that regardless of where you currently find yourself in life or where you originated, as a Christ-follower, you possess the innate ability to set goals, shift your mindset, and conquer them. It's a transformative realization of having the mind of Christ. While we may not have control over the unpredictable circumstances and events that unfold, we wield the formidable power to choose our beliefs and reactions to these situations.
Embracing the mind of Christ is a powerful perspective shift. It empowers us to navigate life's unpredictable twists with grace and resilience. Instead of being captive to circumstances, we become captains of our futures, steering toward our God-given dreams and purposes. The journey begins with a choice to believe, react wisely, and actively pursue the dreams and purposes imprinted on our hearts by the Creator.
No matter where you stand today, take a moment to recognize the God potential within you. You can align your thoughts with success to embrace a mindset that propels you forward. As you choose well and nurture the “Jesus mindset,” you'll find yourself on a transformative path, unlocking the doors to your God-given dreams and purposes. The eight percent is not an exclusive club; it's an invitation extended to anyone willing to embark on the journey of intentional living and purposeful goal-setting.
How are your thoughts aligned with Christ’s? Are your goals and passions in alignment? Maybe today, you need to relinquish control and give your future to him. Surrender the need for absolute control and trust in God's sovereignty. Proverbs 3:5-6 encourages us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our understanding.
Lord, grant us the wisdom to understand and embrace the transformative power of aligning our minds with the principles laid out in your word. May the mind of Christ be our light, illuminating our thoughts, actions, and aspirations. Help us to surrender control to your divine plan, trusting in your wisdom and goodness. In Jesus’ name. Amen.