Daily Reading & Prayer

Breaking Down Walls

October 15, 2024


Ephesians 2:14 “For he himself is our peace, who has made the two groups one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility.”


Paul, chained in a dark, cold prison cell, awaiting a possible death sentence, wrote Ephesians. He wasn’t there because of a crime we might expect—he wasn’t a thief or a rebel. Paul’s "offense" was bringing a Gentile named Trophimus into the Jewish-only section of the temple. In doing so, Paul had crossed a deeply ingrained line that separated Jews and Gentiles for generations. The temple itself was a visual representation of this division. Behind layers of curtains stood the Holy of Holies at its center, a place so sacred only the High Priest could enter. Beyond that were courts for Jewish men, Jewish women, and finally, at the outermost edge, the Court of Gentiles. These walls made it clear that Gentiles were outsiders, kept at a distance from the presence of God.

Imagine what that must have felt like for the Gentiles. They were allowed to worship, but always from a distance. Always on the outside looking in, reminded constantly that they were unworthy of drawing near. Those walls didn’t just block physical access—they reinforced a deep sense of exclusion. Paul understood that exclusion but knew the truth: Jesus had forever torn down those walls. In his letter, he boldly declared that the division no longer existed.

Paul’s imprisonment for breaking this boundary reflected the greater truth of the gospel: Jesus had broken the most significant boundary of all. The walls that kept people apart—whether Jew or Gentile, male or female, slave or free—were shattered by his death and resurrection. Now, there is no “us” and “them.” In Christ, we belong. We belong as Christ-followers, not because of what we've done, but because of what Jesus did. His sacrifice opened the way for all of us to become part of God’s family.

This truth is just as important today. While we may not have literal walls separating us, we often build invisible ones—walls of pride, resentment, and fear that separate us from others and God. We create divisions based on differences, past hurts, or even misunderstandings. But through Jesus, those barriers are meant to come down. His sacrifice wasn’t just about reconciling us to God and one another. As Christ-followers, we belong—entirely and without reservation—not because of what we've done, but what he did. We belong because of Jesus.


Identify one "wall" you’ve built—whether it's holding a grudge, keeping someone at a distance, or avoiding God—and take one step to break it down (offer forgiveness, reach out, etc).


God, help me to see the walls I’ve built in my heart and give me the courage to break them down. Teach me to forgive, love, and draw closer to you and others. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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