Daily Devotional
Believe and Go with God!
March 3, 2021
Numbers 14:1-15:41
Numbers 14:9, “Do not rebel against the Lord… the Lord is with us.”When we face overwhelming trials, and our world gets turned upside down, we might question God’s presence in our lives. We might even take it a step further and shake our fist at Him and blame Him for our bleak situation. “Why me, God? Where are You in my greatest hour of need? If You won’t intervene, then I’ll just do it my way!”The Israelites did this when they learned that giants lived in fortified cities within the Promised Land. They rebelled and chose NOT to trust God and His promises. Due to their lack of belief, the Israelites were punished and sent to wander the desert for forty more years. Had they just believed — though they would have had difficulties to face — God would have led them just had He’d led them out of slavery and through the wilderness. Now, their inheritance would have to wait!Once we recognize our need for God and choose to trust in His promises, humility sets in. Then we’re in a workable mindset that allows us to approach our Lord with receptivity — a willingness to listen to His voice, patiently wait for His perfect timing, and trust Him to see us through the valley we’re facing. With God, we can overcome all things!
Thank You, Lord, for Your presence in my life. Forgive me for my impatience and mistrust in You. Please walk with me through this storm and help me overcome. Amen.