Daily Devotional
Attitude of Gratitude
May 16, 2022
Philippians 4:10a, “I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that at last, you renewed your concern for me.”
During times of very real struggles, it can seem like everything goes wrong at once. It can become so overwhelming that we cry out, “WHY ME, GOD?” with no perceivable answer. Before we know it, resentment can take over, and we become victims of our circumstances.
Undoubtedly, Paul found himself in similar circumstances as he wrote to the Philippians from prison. However, he didn’t dwell on his circumstances, but told them how to be content. Even in prison, Paul found contentment with who he was, where he was, and what he had because of Jesus, who gave him strength.
Yes, the struggle is real. But like Paul, we can find contentment in the struggle. Begin with an attitude of gratitude. When we learn to turn our resentment into contentment, we become victors over our circumstances instead of victims. The reality is that, as followers of Christ, we are already victorious. Christ is guiding, teaching and fighting for us! Rejoice with an attitude of gratitude in this reality.
Create a list of everything you are thankful for. It can begin with something as simple as “the air to breathe.” As you make your list, ask God to remind you of more. Now, place this list in a place where you will see it often and be reminded of all God has done.
Heavenly Father, thank you. I may not understand why in my struggles, but I know you are bigger than all of it. So, thank you for loving me. Thank you for giving me strength and making me a victor and not a victim. Thank you for your Son, Jesus. In his name, Amen!