Daily Devotional
A Touch of Faith
May 4, 2022
Matthew 9:20-21, “…a woman who had been sick for twelve years with internal bleeding came up behind him and touched a tassel of his robe, for she thought, ‘If I only touch him, I will be healed.'”
“Touch” was a touchy subject for many in biblical times – especially for those who were considered “untouchable!” According to Jewish law, this bleeding woman was deemed unclean, and even an accidental touch would defile others.
Stop for a moment and think what it was like for her to have no pats on the back, no hand-holding, no hugs, no intimacy whatsoever – for well over a decade. Life was hard for this woman, and she was desperate, isolated, and hopeless – until she heard about Jesus’ miraculous healing power.
The Bible says God works through all things for our good and His glory. He leveraged this woman’s suffering to bring her to the point of surrender. And out of sheer desperation, through faith, she risked everything by pushing her way through a large crowd just to touch the hem of Jesus’ robe. The power of touch is undeniable! In this life-changing moment, the untouchable touched Jesus and became touchable! He healed her from the inside out. And right now, He is waiting for us to reach out to Him with a little touch of faith!
Think of a time when you were in need and you reached out to Jesus for help. How did He touch that area of your life? Ask God to give you an opportunity to share that story this week to encourage someone else.
Dear Lord, Thank You for Your touch on my life. In my sin and suffering, I reached out to You and You showered me with peace and gave me hope. Today, provide me with an opportunity to share this hope with someone and encourage them to place their faith in You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.