Daily Reading & Prayer

A Powerful Prayer

October 9, 2022


1 Samuel 1: 11, "She made a vow and said, ‘O LORD of hosts, if You will indeed look on the affliction of Your maidservant and remember me, and not forget Your maidservant, but will give Your maidservant a son, then I will give him to the LORD all the days of his life…’"


Hannah prayed a powerful prayer. It was both a prayer of submission and sacrifice. She submitted herself to God's will, even if it wasn't what she wanted. She was also willing to make a sacrifice by giving her son, who she was hoping and believing in God to provide, to the tabernacle (their place of worship) to serve and be mentored.

When it comes to our own lives, are we willing to pray a powerful prayer like this? Not sure where to start? Follow Hannah's example of submission and sacrifice. Don't be afraid to ask God for what you desire, but do so with a humble heart and a willingness to accept His answer. Also, be willing to serve Him with whatever He gives you – committing yourself to His church and purpose. And, if you're a parent, teach your kids to do the same so that they learn to trust in a loving God who wants to bless them!


Identify an area in your life that you must submit to Jesus – something you have been trying to control on your own. Then each day, consider one way in which you can submit this area to Jesus. Ask Him to help you surrender control as you place your trust in Him!


Lord, thank You for Hannah’s example. I want to approach You with that same spirit of submission and sacrifice. Today, help me to determine an area in my life that I need to stop trying to control and give me the strength to surrender it fully to You. I trust You with my life today as well as my eternity! In Jesus' name, Amen.

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