Know Theology

Know Theology

What is theology, and why does it matter? In this series of talks with Pastor Ed Young, explores the core beliefs that shape our faith and understanding of God. You’ll discover how your theology impacts every aspect of your life, from daily decisions to your deepest questions — and how a skewed theology can send you off-course.

Let The Gen Pop!

Let The Gen Pop!

In a world full of challenges and distractions, how do we equip our families and children to be confident individuals who love Jesus and His church? In this series with the Young family, “Let the Gen Pop,” we’ll discover how to build a family and raise children who stand out in today’s culture!



Christianity can easily become decaffeinated in today's culture. In this series "BOLD", Pastor Ed Young discovers what it means to really be a Christian - someone who has BOLD faith, BOLD passion, and BOLD purpose!

Authority Issues

Authority Issues

What if the bridge connecting your current reality to God's vision for your life is built on submission to his authority? In a world that champions autonomy, embracing submission can be a tough pill to swallow for everyone, from soccer moms to CEOs. In this series Pastor Ed Young teaches us how surrendering to God will transform your life and deepen your connection with Him.

Beneath The Surface

Beneath The Surface

In this four-part series "Beyond The Surface," Pastor Ed uses his real life experience of catching a Great White Shark as metaphor for how to align your thoughts, attitudes, and actions with Christ’s example. Learn spiritual discipline to resist negative influences and transform your thoughts. Overcome life's challenges with vigilance, clarity, proper spiritual 'breathing,' and confidence. Finally, understand and overcome temptation as a strategic battle against the devil's schemes.



It’s that time of year when people everywhere are beginning to prepare for Christmas. Decorations are unpacked, presents are bought, and lights are strung. But as we lead up to Christmas here at Fellowship Church, we want re-focus on the real purpose and potential this time of year has. Because Christmas is more than an event; it’s the advent of Christ’s birth!

A Path Through Pain

A Path Through Pain

In this deeply moving three-part series, Pastor Ed & Lisa Young takes us on a poignant journey through the landscape of human suffering and the Christian response to pain. From the heartbreak of personal loss to the broader question of why a good God allows suffering, Ed Young confronts some of the most challenging aspects of human experience with honesty, vulnerability, and biblical insight.



In this series Brad White delves into the spiritual freedom available to every believer. It challenges congregants to break free from the shackles of spiritual and financial imprisonment—walls of anxiety, guilt, division, and emptiness—that inhibit true peace and joy. Using personal anecdotes, biblical narratives like the fall of Jericho and the defeat at Ai, and teachings from Jesus Himself, the series brings to light the power of tithing as an act of trust and obedience to God. "Unlocked" encourages a deeper understanding of God's provision and the joy of investing in treasures in heaven.

Family Survival Guide

Family Survival Guide

This series by Ed & Lisa Young, equips families to navigate the tumultuous waters of contemporary life using the steadfast anchor of God's word. Through insightful analogies and the application of biblical wisdom, this series seeks to fortify the family unit—from the spiritual nucleus to the protective boundaries of faith. You will discover transformative strategies for cultivating a thriving family dynamic that honors God's design and overcomes the societal pressures of modern times.

Battle Ready

Battle Ready

In this series, Ed Young, delivers a compelling exploration of spiritual warfare and the Christian's engagement in this unseen battle. Over the course of the series, Pastor Ed delves into the nature of evil, the strategies of the enemy, and the victorious life available through Christ's sacrifice. The sermons draw on the metaphor of the full armor of God, as outlined in Ephesians 6, emphasizing the importance of each piece in withstanding the devil's schemes.

Stepping Into Liquid

Stepping Into Liquid

In this message series, Brad White that delves into the symbolic and transformative journey of baptism. This two-part series navigates the deep waters of spiritual rebirth, challenging believers to make a public declaration of their faith, and to embrace the paradoxical call to die to oneself in order to truly live.

Interview With A Porn Star

Interview With A Porn Star

In this transformative two-part series, Ed Young sits down with Joshua Broome, whose life journey took him from the depths of the adult film industry to the redeeming embrace of Jesus Christ. They explore the potent impact of Christ's love and the process of sanctification in a life that many might consider beyond redemption. Broome's powerful testimony sheds light on the struggles with sin, the consequences of a life lived in the shadows, and the path to recovery through faith, honesty, and accountability. This series challenges preconceptions, opens the door to tough discussions on topics like pornography addiction, and offers hope and practical guidance for anyone seeking transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit.



In this message series, Ed Young, explores the dynamic interplay between the liberation Christ offers and the boundaries established by God. Across two parts, Young delves into the biblical understanding of freedom—not as an absence of constraints but as a presence of order and purpose within divine parameters.

What Would Jesus Say To _______?

What Would Jesus Say To _______?

In this message series, Pastor Ed Young invites us to explore hypothetical conversations between Jesus Christ and various well-known figures from different spheres of life, including Joe Rogan, Caitlyn Jenner, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Tiger Woods. Each sermon unpacks how Jesus might address the unique challenges and triumphs experienced by these individuals, while also drawing out broader spiritual lessons applicable to everyone.

That's The Way The Character Crumbles

That's The Way The Character Crumbles

In this message series, Pastor Ed Young delves into the essence of character in the life of a believer. Throughout this series, we explore how character is not a fixed trait but a dynamic element of our spirituality that can either stand firm like a steadfast rock or crumble like a brittle edifice under the pressures of life.

Shame Off You

Shame Off You

In this message series, Pastor Ed examines the complex concept of shame, exploring its roots and the ways it affects our lives. He discusses the role of faith in overcoming shame, offering guidance on how to break free from its cycle.

Full Tilt

Full Tilt

The Rescue

The Rescue

Woke Or Awake?

Woke Or Awake?

At The Movies

At The Movies

When The Levee Breaks

When The Levee Breaks

What Is Your Business

What Is Your Business

7 Senses of Marriage

7 Senses of Marriage

Cover To Cover

Cover To Cover

United States of Amnesia

United States of Amnesia



The Fear Virus

The Fear Virus

The New Normal

The New Normal



Fear Of God

Fear Of God

F Is For Family

F Is For Family

In The Year 2030

In The Year 2030