Day One: Who You Really Are


1 John 4:16, “We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them.”


Right now, the God who created you is actively loving you. You are not just any person; you are a person loved by God. His love for you isn’t based on what you have or haven’t done. God loves you because of who he is. God is love (1 John 4:8).

God made you to experience his love and to belong to him. The Bible says you are his masterpiece (Ephesians 2:10). He has your name written on his hands (Isaiah 49:16). Your life is important because you matter to God. God’s amazing love for you is the most important thing about you. You are fully known and fully loved by God. This is your true identity.

God’s love for you never stops, and he wants you to feel it and know it every single day. His love helps you to love and accept yourself. You can love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength and love others because God first loved you (Mark 12:30-31, 1 John 4:19).

The love you show to God is connected to the love you receive from him.

God’s love is the foundation of the gospel, so it should be the foundation of your relationship with him. You need to receive his love regularly. How well you follow and obey God depends on it. It’s possible to follow God without loving him, but you can’t truly love him without following him.

Being loved can sometimes feel uncomfortable or make you feel vulnerable. It’s often easier to give love than to receive it. But God loved us first, so we need to accept his love again and again. Everything you have comes from God, so what can you give him that he doesn’t already have? The answer is simple yet powerful: you. He doesn’t want just your acts of service, your money, or your time as much as he wants you.

This week, take time to explore who God is and learn how to be an all-in, fully alive part of his story.


  1. How does knowing that God loves you unconditionally change the way you see yourself?
  2. What are some practical ways you can remind yourself everyday that you are loved by God?
  3. How can you make sure you are receiving and enjoying God's love daily? What difference might this make in your life and your relationships?


God, thank you for loving me right now. This week, show me all the ways you are showing your love for me. Help me to let go of fear and to want to belong fully to you. Teach me how to give my whole self to you and give me the courage to do it. Amen.

Day Two: Are You Giving Jesus 100% Of Your Life?


Mark 12:30, “And you must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength."


Loving God is more than just an act; it's an ongoing commitment. Jesus commanded us to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Following Jesus isn't about perfection but about dedication and constant growth.

God desires your whole self, not just parts of you. Just like you need all your fingers to hold a book, you need to engage all aspects of your life in your relationship with God.

When we love God with everything we have, we show him that he is our highest priority. This means putting him first in our decisions, our relationships, and our daily activities. It's not about being perfect but about striving to give more of ourselves to him every day. Loving God fully can transform every area of our lives, leading to deeper joy, peace, and purpose. It challenges us to trust him completely, even when it's difficult, and to seek his will in everything we do.

Loving God with all your heart means letting him into your innermost feelings, thoughts and emotions. "With all your soul" means dedicating your very being to him. "With all your mind" means aligning your thoughts with his truth. "With all your strength" means using your physical abilities and energy to honor him. This kind of wholehearted devotion changes us from the inside out and makes our faith vibrant and impactful


  1. Is there an area where you aren’t giving Jesus 100%?
  2. How can you give Jesus your all?
  3. How will you put this into practice this week?


Lord, help me to give you everything. Show me how I can pursue you with my life. Help me to follow you with 100% of me. Amen.

Day Three: Read God's Word


Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path.”


God's Word is essential for guiding and transforming our lives. The Bible is God's Word, and it has the power to change us. When we read the Bible, we learn more about Jesus, how we can grow in our relationship with Christ, and how to follow him.

Psalm 119:105 shows us how God's Word illuminates our lives, providing direction and clarity. Just as a lamp lights up a dark path, the Bible helps us navigate life's challenges and make wise decisions. It's not just about reading words on a page; it's about letting those words guide and shape us.

Reading the Bible regularly helps us stay close to God and grow in our faith. Building a habit of spending time in God's Word each day is important. It's not about reading as much as possible but about understanding and applying what we read to our lives. Start with a few minutes each day, and as you grow more comfortable, you can spend more time each day. The key is consistency and a genuine desire to know God better.

As you read, ask God to help you understand the Scriptures and show you how they apply to your life. Reflect on what you read, think about how it relates to your experiences, and let it guide your actions and decisions. God's Word is not just meant to be read; it's meant to be lived out.

Engaging with the Bible in this way will deepen your relationship with God, strengthen your faith, and help you become more like Jesus. Remember, it's a journey, and every step you take brings you closer to him.


  1. Why is it important to read the Bible?
  2. What specific steps can you take to make reading and studying the Bible a daily habit?
  3. How will reading the Bible deepen your relationship with Jesus?


God, help me to love the Bible more and to read it every day. Show me how to follow Jesus through what I read. Help me understand what you want me to learn and how I can live it out. Amen.

Day Four: Are You Living Out Your Purpose?


Luke 9:23-24, “Then he said to the crowd, ‘If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me. If you try to hang on to your life, you will lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake, you will save it.’”


Following Jesus means surrendering your life and living out the purpose he has for you. This involves daily decisions and actions that reflect your commitment to him. It's about choosing to live for Jesus in every part of your life, even when it's challenging.

Living out your purpose in Christ starts with understanding that you were created by God for a reason. He has a unique plan for your life that is better than anything you could imagine for yourself. Sometimes, we can get caught up in our ownplans and forget to seek God's will. But true fulfillment comes from following Jesus and aligning our lives with his purpose.

Jesus tells us in Luke 9:23-24 that following him requires us to give up our own way, take up our cross daily, and follow him. This means putting aside our own desires and plans and seeking what God wants for us instead. It means being willing to make sacrifices and to trust him, even when it's hard.

Taking up your cross daily is about being willing to face challenges and difficulties for the sake of following Jesus. It's about being committed to him, no matter what. This can look different for everyone, but it often means making choices that honor God, even when they are not popular or easy.

Living out your purpose also involves using your gifts and talents to serve God and others. God has given each of us unique abilities and passions, and he wants us to use them to make a difference in the world. This could be through helping others, sharing the love of Jesus, or standing up for what is right.

Remember, living out your purpose is a journey. It's about taking steps each day to follow Jesus more closely and tobecome more like him. It's about growing in your relationship with God and letting him guide you every step of the way.


  1. Rate yourself on the following statements from 1 (never) to 5 (always):
    • I feel Jesus' love every day.
    • I read the Bible regularly.
    • I pray every day.
    • I see God's work in my life daily.
  2. What do you think your God-given gifts and talents are?
  3. How can you intentionally seek God’s purpose for your life?
  4. What specific steps can you take this week to live out God’s plan for your life?


Jesus, I want to live out your purpose for my life. Help me to understand your plan and follow it fully. Guide my steps and give me the strength to carry my cross daily. Show me how to use my gifts and talents to serve you and others. Thank you for loving me and guiding me every day. Amen.

Day Five: The Importance Of The Church


1 Corinthians 12:27, “All of you together are Christ’s body, and each of you is a part of it.”


The church is not just a building; it’s a gathering of believers, each playing a vital role in the body of Christ. Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians 12:27 that we are all parts of Christ’s body, and each of us has an important part to play. This means that every believer is essential, and together we make up the whole body of Christ.

Being part of the Church is crucial for following Jesus. It’s in the Church that we find encouragement, accountability, and support. The Church helps us grow in our faith and live out God’s purpose for our lives. Just as different parts of a body work together to make it function, we as believers must work together to build up the Church and serve God’s mission.

Involvement in the Church goes beyond attending services. It’s about actively participating in the life of the Church, using our unique gifts and talents to serve others and glorify God. Each of us has something valuable to contribute, and when we come together, we strengthen the body of Christ.

The Church also keeps us grounded in our faith. In a world that often distracts us from God, the Church reminds us of who we are in Christ and encourages us to live out our faith daily. Being part of a church provides a support system, helping us remain strong in our commitment to Jesus, especially during difficult times.

Moreover, the Church is God’s plan for spreading the gospel. By being active in the Church, we join in God’s mission to reach the world with his love and truth. Our involvement in the Church allows us to make a meaningful impact and be part of God’s work on earth.

Remember, you can’t follow Jesus fully without being involved in the Church. It’s through the Church that we experience the fullness of the Christian life and fulfill our calling as followers of Christ. Being part of the Church helps us to grow, serve, and live out our faith in a meaningful way.


  1. What is the value of being a part of the local church for believers?
  2. What gifts and talents do you have that God can use to build the church?
  3. How are you going to use your talents to live out your purpose?


God, thank you for the gift of the Church. Help me to be active and committed. Show me ways to serve and love others. Teach me how to live out my faith through the Church and be part of your mission. Amen.