Daily Reading & Prayer

What Now

December 29, 2023
Psalm 77:11 “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago.” 
Ecclesiastes 3:11 “Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end.” 


Have you ever experienced a season of waiting for the arrival of a new baby? I remember those days when Lisa was pregnant, and Leebeth, our little one, rehearsed for her role as a big sister. She meticulously practiced burping teddy bears, gently rocked dolls, and even sang lullabies to our unsuspecting dog. With each passing day, her anticipation swelled, but so did the agonizing delay. I can still hear her words, "Waiting hurts!" 

As I flip through the pages of journals documenting God's faithfulness and fulfilled promises, I empathize with Leebeth's cry. Waiting can indeed be painful. Even now, with pen in hand, I sometimes feel frustration when God's timing seems to clash with my desires. Yet, a lifetime of lessons has taught me that when my schedule fights with his, I must shift my focus from what I feel to what I know. I need to filter my impatience through the unwavering truth of his promises.  

God's delays aren't indicators of indifference; rather, they are expressions of his love and infinite wisdom. I recognize that on this earthly journey, I may never fully grasp the intricacies of God's eternal plan. Still, my faith finds its anchor in his unchanging integrity. I attach my hope to his trustworthiness instead of fixating on the timing, and this shift transforms my attitude in the waiting.  

The same God who walks with me through the ache is orchestrating plans beyond the scope of my understanding. His ways might soar higher than the heavens (Isaiah 55:9), yet his presence remains right beside me. So, I trust, I wait, and I find peace in his embrace, knowing that his timing, though possibly different from mine, is always perfect. 


Trusting his timing involves staying obedient to his commands and following his leading, even when it doesn't align with your schedule. Obey him today. What is he telling you to do today? Is there an opportunity for you to serve, sow or speak up about your faith?


Heavenly Father, help me to trust in your perfect timing. Teach me to surrender my desires and plans to your greater purpose. Give me the strength and wisdom to wait patiently, knowing that your ways are higher than mine. As I navigate this season of anticipation, help me to anchor my trust in your faithfulness. Help me rest in you. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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