Daily Devotional
The HVAC of Truth
August 27, 2020
John 14:17, “The Spirit of truth — The world cannot accept Him because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But You know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.”John 8:31-32, “To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said, ‘If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.’”
Some things are easy to take for granted — like the HVAC system that regulates the air temperature in our homes. While we enjoy our desired setting, our HVAC system works to heat and cool the house as well as filter out impurities in the air! But without regular maintenance, HVAC systems stop working, leaving us uncomfortable and surrounded by deadly pollutants in the air.In a real way, our worldview acts as an HVAC filtration system. With a God-centric perspective, our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are filtered through the pages of Scripture and founded on God's absolute truth. Then, we can step into a cool environment when things get hot. And when the atmosphere seems toxic, we can rely on God to shield us from contaminants. But to do so requires regular maintenance as we look for harmful blind spots within our worldview.Unfortunately, though, too many of us take our worldview for granted. We look to the world for answers and find that truth is relative, and decisions are feelings-based. Filterless, our worldview has no regulation. And we approach life willy-nilly, devoid of purpose with damaging — and even deadly — results.Don't allow the world to persuade you to take God's moral laws for granted. Because, as they say, "If you don't stand for something (TRUTH), you'll fall for everything." Adopt God's HVAC of truth and check your filter daily. Change it out, if necessary, to maintain biblical values versus sweltering in the heat of painful consequences. So, be COOL and allow the Spirit of Truth to set you free!
It’s time to do a maintenance check on your worldview. Ask yourself the following questions to root out any blind spots through the HVAC filter of Truth:1. Am I taking my thoughts captive in Christ?2. Am I living out God’s truth or my own?3. Are my emotions subject to truth?4. Am I reflecting God’s greatness in all I do?5. Am I reaping the blessings of obedience?
Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your guidance in my life! I never want to take it for granted. I know that right now, more than ever, my worldview must be filtered through Your truth. Help me remember to examine my thoughts and decisions before I speak or act. In Jesus’ name, Amen.