Daily Devotional
Royally Ruined
June 22, 2021
Amos 7:1-9:152 Kings 14:28-292 Kings 15:6-292 Chronicles 26:22-23Isaiah 6:1-13Isaiah 6:5,8, “‘Woe to me!’ I cried. ‘I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.’ Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’”
We all face moments in life when we feel like everything is ruined. A lost job, a broken relationship, a poor financial decision, or a moment of moral weakness can push us to despair. Phrases such as “God can never use me now” or “I’m so worthless” echo through our minds. But we must realize that they’re not God’s words — they’re the enemy’s lies. Therefore, we must be ready to battle such thoughts and feelings with TRUTH.
Isaiah encountered God, and in the presence of His holiness, he was immediately humbled by the awareness of his own sin and personal failures. Although he saw himself as “ruined” in front of the Ultimate Royalty, the prophet was not worthless or of no use in God’s eyes. In fact, he was soon emboldened by the encounter to throw off every bit of shame and doubt in order to respond wholeheartedly to God’s call.
Will you respond? God is calling you in a unique way, wanting to work through your abilities and talents to serve Him and bring glory to His name. Is there anything holding you back from answering His call? Be it pride or doubt, lay it all at the foot of the cross! He can and will use you to accomplish great things. He believes in you!
Lord, You are holy, and I recognize that I am not. Here I am, ready to serve You wholeheartedly. Humble me, purify me, use me! Amen.